In February 2021 Friends board members Tom Brimberry and Margie Hickman accompanied Williston Middle School teachers and members of the Wilmington Downtown Rotary Club to present selected students with Outstanding Student of the Month awards. Because of Covid-19 these awards were presented individually at students' homes. This has been a collaboration between the Rotary Club and the Friends for several years. Students receive a FOL bag containing a new book, a coupon for a free pizza, plus a number of other treats.
On behalf of the FOL, former President Hathia Hayes joined other community leaders in signing a letter to County Commissioners addressing the Grace Street redevelopment proposal, citing the importance of preservation alongside innovation and the impact the Story Park has already had on redevelopment efforts in the area.
Luke, Paul, and Joel Ertzberger, with the assistance of their mother Heather, shared their presentation which won them the opportunity to serve as Junior Ambassadors of the North Carolina Library Association on NationaI Library Legislative Day held in Washington, D.C. FOL was pleased to be able to support their travel in this important advocacy effort.
In March 2018, the Friends of the New Hanover County Library hosted the Friends of North Carolina Public Libraries' South East Area Spring Workshop. This workshop brought together Friends groups from 18 counties and was focused on Libraries of the Future in order to help attendees have information to advocate for the future needs of the libraries in their counties.